Pacific Energy Center EBCx Project Review Workshop
Graduates of the Existing Building Commissioning Workshop series as well as graduates from similar programs that I help support are invited to attend an informal quarterly workshop where attendees share the projects and ideas with each other and along with mentoring by EBCx Workshop instructors. The files below are the materials that are shared during these sessions, including resources presented by the instructors.
Since I started the website in 2017, I have not posted the files from sessions prior to October of 2017. But if you are looking for something from a previous session, let me know and I will see if I still have it archived on a hard drive. |
Note that I generally put a Read Me file in with the other files to explain what each of them is unless it is fairly obvious.
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Starting with the June 2021 session, we changed the format of the class to include a formal lecture/lab session. So there will be materials for doing the break-out sessions in addition to follow-up materials. So, moving forward, I will be putting a section on this page for each one with a button that will jump you to that location.