Induction MotorsThe content on this section was originally developed to support the Design, Performance and Commissioning Issues class series at the Pacific Energy Center. There are several videos that were also developed in conjunction with this content to demonstrate basic induction principles that you can access from the video page of the website.
Loads and PsychrometricsThese videos are intended to help you learn about the HVAC loads, load profiles, psychrometrics, the psych chart and how to use it.
System DiagramingThese videos target helping you understand the system concept, in particular, how it is reflected in a system diagram. They include two videos that introduce the concept, one video about hand drawn symbols and system diagrams, and one video where I use the Hijend Hotel central plant model to show you how to go about developing a system diagram in the field. Links to many system diagram resources are provided including the system diagram symbols tool page of this website.
Benchmarking, UCA, and ScopingThis video introduces the concepts of benchmarking, utility consumption analysis, and scoping, all of which are important EBCx, ongoing Cx, operations, and building systems diagnostics and troubleshooting. It includes links to resources and also a quiz you can take to test your new found knowledge.