This zip file contains general information about variable flow primary secondary chilled water plants including:
This is the spreadsheet behind the images on the string of blog posts I have about how to draw your own psych chart using basic physical principles.
The file hhw_logic_diagram_vweb_-_answer.xlsm is a copy of the Logic Diagram Tool with the "Answer" to the logic diagram exercise in it on the "HW Hx Cntrl Enhanced" tab.
The file Heat Exchanger Narrative Sequence - Answer v2.pdf is pretty much what the name indicates; the original narrative sequence modified to add the enhancements. |
If you are curious about what some of the other logic associated with the hot water system in the Bureaucratic
This file contains calculations similar to the ones behind the table in the blog post.
This file illustrates how you would string calculations similar to the elbow calculation together to project the pressure drop for a fairly large system. This is a calculation I did for a real system in a high-rise so I could compare the pressure drop you would anticipate based on the design documents with what we were measuring in the field.
Locations with differences were places we investigated to understand why there was more pressure drop than the design anticipated. Usually, it was because the details of the fitting fabrication in the field were different from the design documents. However on at least one project, the reason was a welding jacket that had been left in the duct during fabrication which subsequently was blown down the duct and became lodged on some turning vanes. |
The file to the right is a compilation of information I have accumulated over the years on this topic, including K factors for the sensors used by a number of different manufacturers.