Things You Might See in a Hot Water Boiler Room
Here are the scavenger hunt questions associated with this location and images that represent the answers to each of the questions. Some questions have more than one image associated with them. And some images contain things that will answer more than one question. If you click on an image in the gallery, an enlarged version of it will open up in a new window so you can take a closer look.
Some of these questions would be easier to answer in the field vs by looking at the images on line. But I have tried to provide some clues that will allow you to replicate the field experience to some extent if you didn't actually attend the class.
To "play the game" study the questions and the images in the gallery. When you think that you find the image or images that are associated with the answer to one of the questions, apply the filter to see if you are right. For example, once you think you know which image or images show a balancing valve, if you click the "Question 1" button, the gallery will be filtered down to only show images with balancing valves in them.
The "More Information" link associated with each question will take you to additional information regarding the answer to the question. Click the browser back arrow to return to this page from the "More Information" page.
Some of these questions would be easier to answer in the field vs by looking at the images on line. But I have tried to provide some clues that will allow you to replicate the field experience to some extent if you didn't actually attend the class.
To "play the game" study the questions and the images in the gallery. When you think that you find the image or images that are associated with the answer to one of the questions, apply the filter to see if you are right. For example, once you think you know which image or images show a balancing valve, if you click the "Question 1" button, the gallery will be filtered down to only show images with balancing valves in them.
The "More Information" link associated with each question will take you to additional information regarding the answer to the question. Click the browser back arrow to return to this page from the "More Information" page.
1. Find a balancing valve. (More Information)
2. Is the boiler fired by gas or oil? (More Information)
3. Which pumps circulate the boilers? (More Information)
4. The hot water system is most likely a:
a. Variable flow primary only system
b. Constant flow system
c. Variable flow primary secondary system
5. What is the basis of your answer to the preceding question? (More Information)
6. Find a motor control center. (More Information)
7. Find a flow meter. (More Information)
8. Find a variable speed drive. (More Information)
9. Find a flex connector. (More Information)
10. Find a butterfly valve. (More Information)
2. Is the boiler fired by gas or oil? (More Information)
3. Which pumps circulate the boilers? (More Information)
4. The hot water system is most likely a:
a. Variable flow primary only system
b. Constant flow system
c. Variable flow primary secondary system
5. What is the basis of your answer to the preceding question? (More Information)
6. Find a motor control center. (More Information)
7. Find a flow meter. (More Information)
8. Find a variable speed drive. (More Information)
9. Find a flex connector. (More Information)
10. Find a butterfly valve. (More Information)

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